Monday, April 20, 2009

Jill Starr Urges Greater Diplomacy Between Mexico & USA On Securing Our Border's With Mexico Against Al Qaeda

United States :

I recently had chance meetings with some Mexicans (here illegally) in the area making the majority of their living off of cocaine. They explicitly informed, when I inquired, just how insecure the American/Mexican border is.


They told me first, many of the usual stories we’ve heard about whereby illegal immigrants enter America from Mexico. But, they told me something more. Similarly to the day in the Preparatory Meetings Establishing an Int’l Criminal Court, what I heard was extremely unsettling.

My acquaintances informed me first of the far reaching underground tunnel system allowing them entrance into America, telling me whereby they bring drugs into America as we already know.

Then I asked whether any illegals coming into America from Mexico bring contraband with them through this tunnel system for Al Qaeda members and other fringe groups bribe them to do so; they said it is not an uncommon occurance. And in doing so, many Mexicans carry illegal contraband into American for similar groups to Al Qaeda and others.

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